Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fibre which was widely added to building products in the UK between 1950 – 1980. Its use slowed and it was eventually banned in 1999.

Asbestos-containing materials in good condition pose very little risk to health, unless they are in a position where they can easily be disturbed. When asbestos-containing materials are in poor condition - or have become damaged - the fibres have the potential to become airborne.  Asbestos fibres, if inhaled, have been linked to a range of respiratory diseases.
Some Community Gateway homes still have materials that contain asbestos in their construction. However, these materials have been assessed as being low risk and in good condition, so they are not a risk to tenants.
All tenants with asbestos-containing materials in their homes have been advised on the location and condition of the material. An assessment has been made that the material is safe to remain where it is, as the likelihood of disturbance is very low.

Showing sheets of asbestos
What you can expect from us if you have asbestos
  • We will ensure that your home remains a safe place for you and your household to live, without any risks to health.
  • If your home was built before the year 2000, we will have carried out a survey to find any asbestos-containing materials which could be affected by the day-to-day use of your home.
  • When you start a tenancy with us, we will provide you with a clear report showing whether asbestos is in your home, and where it is.
  • We will re-inspect any asbestos-containing materials within your home every five years, to make sure they are still in good condition and pose no risk to your health. Asbestos containing materials identified as particularly low risk will be re-inspected every 10 years.
  • Where the condition of asbestos-containing materials has changed, we will arrange for remedial works or removal of the items.
  • All asbestos inspections are carried out by a trained and competent surveyor.
  • When you report any concerns about asbestos to us, we will act quickly.
  • We will adhere to all relevant legislation and best practice in relation to identifying and managing asbestos materials in any of our properties.
 What you need to do
  • If you have been informed that asbestos-containing materials have been identified in your home, extra care should be taken not to disturb these materials when doing any DIY tasks.
  • Asbestos-containing materials can look very similar to those not containing asbestos. If you are in any doubt, please contact us before carrying out any DIY tasks.
  • You must not drill, cut or disturb any asbestos containing materials. You must not scrape or sand asbestos-containing materials before painting and decorating.
  • If you disturb any asbestos-containing materials in your home, this may have the potential to become a risk to you, your household and any Community Gateway staff who might attend your property. It is vitally important that you report any damage to asbestos-containing materials to us quickly.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about asbestos in your home, please contact our Repairs Team on 0800 953 0213 (option 1).

Please be assured, we monitor the standard of our homes with great care, as part of our commitment to being a provider of safe and decent homes.

How to contact us if you are unsatisfied

If you are unsatisfied with the service you have received in relation to asbestos, you can: