Community Gateway News

First Independent Living Summer Ball a hit with tenants

Written by Community Gateway | Thursday 22 August 2024

Our Independent Living team organised and planned a real treat for our older tenants earlier this month – their very first Summer Ball!

The dress code was ‘dress to impress’ and everyone met the brief, in sparkles and smart suits as they were met by a photographer on arrival.  Vocalist Johnny Mack provided the pre-dinner entertainment in the wonderful surroundings of The Masonic Hall in Preston.  A delicious three-course meal was followed by coffee and a prize raffle, before Johnny returned to up the tempo and guests took to the dance floor, enjoying the music and vibrant party atmosphere.

Independent Living Manager, Clare Mathias, commented: “The event created a real sense of community, bringing tenants together from across our schemes. People danced and laughed with their neighbours and made new friends. Everyone who attended said that they had a fabulous time and wanted to know when the next Ball would be!!"

“The Summer Ball was amazing,” one tenant told us. “Thank you to all the staff for making it a great night!”