Community Gateway News

Have you got contents insurance yet? It's a really good idea...

Written by Community Gateway | Tuesday 25 June 2024

Contents insurance through Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Ltd (RSA) comes at a fabulously low cost – as little as 51p a week – and gives you that peace of mind that you’re financially covered, should anything terrible happen in your home such as a fire, theft, vandalism, water damage, burst pipes, or flooding.


Not everyone is aware of this fact, but your home and your tenancy with Community Gateway Association (CGA) don’t come with contents insurance included.


This means that when you move into your CGA home, your furniture, belongings, decor, clothes, TV, radio, appliances, and everything else will not be covered against damage or destruction from things likes fires, flooding, theft, vandalism or other forms of damage like burst pipes or a washing machine flood.


We strongly encourage all of our tenants to go out and get their own contents insurance through a reputable insurance broker.


We have an arrangement with RSA whereby CGA tenants and leaseholders can access their excellent home contents insurance scheme, with prices starting from as little as 51p a week, or £1.53 a month, or £18.60 a year – you can choose at what intervals you make your payments. The prices quoted here are based on £4,000 worth of contents insurance, going off a particular postcode area and excluding accidental damage and optional covers. The price you pay will depend on several factors: individual circumstances, postcode, and level of cover chosen.


Read more about the contents insurance on offer through RSA on our website here:


If you feel like you need no further persuading, then great!  Go for it!  Apply now on the RSA website.  Go to:


On our website, you’ll also find an application form, if you’d like to apply in this way. Or you can phone RSA on 0345 671 8172 and speak to them directly. RSA also provides this helpful information sheet.