Tackling Fly Tipping and Anti-Social Behaviour in North Ribbleton
While completing regular visits to the North Ribbleton area, our Tenancy Management Officers began to notice an increase in fly tipping. We were also getting reports from tenants in the area that they were facing anti-social behaviour issues.
Many of the fly tipping incidents were happening in communal spaces meant for tenants only, that were being accessed unnoticed by people leaving their unwanted rubbish.
Our Tenancy Management and Engagement and Communities Officers visited the area and found lots of unsightly fly tipping.
What happened with this information?
Our Tenancy Management and Community Engagement team partnered with the local Neighbourhood Policing team for a day of action.

They got to work litter picking and removing fly tipping, while also speaking to tenants in the area about how they think improvements could be made. The responses collected have been added into a report for consideration to help resolve the issues.
During the action day, six bags of rubbish were collected and two vans worth of fly tipping were collected and removed by our Environmental Services team.
The outcome of the project
Following on from the day of action, teams within Community Gateway worked together to write a letter to give to residents whose properties on Grange Estate backed onto the worse effected areas.
The letter promoted the great work that had been carried out removing the rubbish, the impact that fly tipping has on communities and explained what tenants should do if they spot fly tipping; this was delivered to roughly 85 properties with the aim of raising awareness and encouraging people to help look after their communities.
To keep momentum going with the project, we joined forces with Grange Primary School who created posters to display in the local area, reminding everyone to dispose of their rubbish properly.
10 students from years 2 and 6 joined our Engagement and Communities Officers for a walk around the area surrounding the school, putting up the posters they created where everyone can see them.
Check back soon for more outcomes from this community improvement project!
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