To help keep your home safe, we carry out regular checks on your home's electrical supply and wiring. It's important that you let us into your home to carry out these essential safety checks. 

The electrical checks can take between one hour and three hours to complete. We will need access to the consumer unit inside your electric meter cupboard, all the electrical circuits within the installation, and 20% of all the electrical accessories in your property (sockets, switches and light fittings) and any appliances we have supplied.

What you can expect from us

We will make sure that:

  • The electrical supply and wiring in your home are safe when the tenancy begins.
  • We arrange for a qualified electrician to carry out an ‘Electrical Installation Condition Report’ (EICR) of your home’s electrical installation at least every five years.
  • During this electrical check, any defects identified during the EICR where there is an immediate danger to you, your family or visitors at your home are made safe immediately.
  • If any further work is identified during the EICR, we will, wherever possible, complete the required work immediately or this work will be rescheduled and completed within 28 days.
  • We provide you with a copy of the EICR for your home within 28 days of completing it.
Safety check appointments

It is important that you let us into your home to carry out these essential safety checks. This is a requirement of your tenancy agreement.

The electrical checks can take between one hour and three hours to complete. We will need access to the consumer unit inside your electric meter cupboard, all the electrical circuits within the installation, and 20% of all the electrical accessories in your property (sockets, switches and light fittings) and any appliances we have supplied.

We will write to you at least two weeks before your appointment to confirm a date and time.

If the appointment is not convenient, you can call us on 0800 953 0213 (option 1), or email to arrange a different date and time.

If you repeatedly avoid letting us in or refuse access to your home, we may take legal action and you could be charged with the costs.

Keeping safe in your home

40% of accidental household fires are caused by electrical appliances and supply. Here are some top tips to help you keep safe in your home:

  • Report any damage to your home’s electrical installation such as cracked plug sockets to Community Gateway as soon as possible – do not attempt to make repairs yourself.
  • Ensure all electrical equipment such as kettles, toasters and televisions have the ‘CE’ quality mark.
  • Do not overload extension leads or adaptors – appliances that use a lot of electricity such as kettles and heaters should be plugged directly into the wall.
  • Regularly check your electrical equipment for any safety issues and do not use defective equipment. Danger signs to look for include:
    • Damaged or frayed cables
    • Damaged or cracked plugs and equipment casings
    • Burn marks on plugs or leads
    • Circuit breakers tripping or fuses blowing when equipment is plugged in
  • The brown and blue inner cables being visible
  • Turn off as many electrical appliances as possible whilst you sleep or are out of the house.
  • Avoid using appliances such as washing machines or charging battery-powered items whilst you sleep.
  • Do not take mains powered electrical items into the bathroom.
If you smell burning

Switch off all electrical appliances immediately and telephone our 24-hour emergency line on 0800 953 0213. Alternatively, call Electricity Northwest on 105 or 0800 195 4141.

DIY and electrical work

You must ask our permission before making changes to any existing circuit or installing new circuits to the electrical installation in your home. This includes installing new circuits, sockets, lighting circuits, spotlights, electric car chargers etc.

To request both routine and emergency repairs, or to ask about electrical checks, please contact us: