Emergency Monitoring and Response Service
Designed to give you and your family peace of mind, our 24-hour emergency monitoring and response service can have huge benefits for any Community Gateway tenant who feels vulnerable but wishes to stay living in their own home. This service gives you the reassurance that you're not on your own - there's always someone on the end of the phone.
"It gives peace of mind to my family to know there is 24-hour help should I need it."
We provide a range of service levels that are designed to meet your personal circumstances. The level of service can be changed quickly by giving us a call should your personal circumstances change:
- Level 1: Monitoring - an alert system that notifies your emergency contacts that you need their help
- Level 2: Monitoring and response - an alert system that notifies our partner provider that you need help. They will send a keyholding responder or call the emergency services if needed.
"I would be lost without it. I feel very secure as I'm a stroke victim."
This service is available to Community Gateway tenants only.