Green Communities
We are committed to creating open spaces which the whole community can enjoy. You also have responsibilities as a CGA tenant to ensure your garden is well-maintained.
Our GreenCare Team work hard to improve the appearance of our neighbourhoods and ensure well-maintained and safe, communal areas and open spaces for everyone.
What you can expect from us
- Check, clean and maintain communal green spaces every three weeks.
- Carry out seasonally appropriate tasks to keep areas attractive and to protect the natural features of the environment.
- Remove waste and weeds from communal areas
- Keep shared grassed areas neat, tidy and healthy.
- Plant and maintain trees, hedges, shrubs and flowers in communal spaces.
- In the colder months (November to March) when it is frosty and icy, place grit at exits, entrances and on other surfaces around our Independent Living Schemes.
- Carry out a survey of all trees on our land every five years, carrying out work to any tree identified to be unsafe.
- Tidy gardens at empty properties ready for new tenants to move in.
- Offer a paid-for garden service for tenants who are unable to maintain their own gardens due to their age, disability or health.

Your responsibilities
If you have your own garden, it is your responsibility to maintain it, keeping the grass cut and all outside spaces free from rubbish. You are also responsible for maintaining the shrubs and hedges within your garden area and must seek our permission to remove them.
What if I'm dissatisfied with the service?
If you are dissatisfied with the service, please let us know by calling our team on 0800 953 0213 (option 1) or emailing