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Noise Nuisance

We understand that noise nuisance can be very distressing. We aim to use all the tools available to solve the problem and work closely with other agencies such as Preston City Council, Environmental Health Department and the Police.

No property is completely soundproof, so you will always hear a certain amount of noise from your neighbours.

Not all noise is considered to be anti-social, but it may still cause a disturbance or be concerning to you. We will work with you to understand the noise being experienced and look at ways we can help.

How to report noise nuisance

When we receive a complaint, we will send out a noise pack which includes: an acknowledgement letter, consent form, noise nuisance diary and a leaflet. We will then investigate as appropriate.

You can report noise nuisance to us by phone or by email:

Further information on noise nuisance can be found on the Preston City Council website.

Noise reporting app

In addition to noise nuisance diary sheets, we have our Noise App which helps us gather evidence in cases of noise nuisance.

It's easy to download The Noise App from the Google Play or Apple App store onto your mobile device, which you can then use to record the noise you're experiencing and submit the complaint straight to us. You can also add the type of noise, the location, how severe you’re finding the noise and any additional information you’d like to add.

You'll receive notifications regarding updates on your case through the app, and can report as many issues as necessary.

If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch with the team on tenancy.management@communitygateway.co.uk or call 0800 953 0213 (option 5).

If you're having any problems with the previous version of the app, please get in touch and let us know.