Preparing for winter
Take a look at the information and support available to help you keep yourself and your home safe and warm
As the colder months approach, we are here to support you.
We've put together information and guidance for keeping yourself and your home warm, cost of living support, energy saving tips and more.
Frozen or Burst Pipes
If you think your pipes may be frozen but they have not split or burst, there are some simple steps you can take to help slowly thaw them.

Damp and mould
Find out more about damp and mould, what you can expect from us when it occurs and how to contact us.

Cost of living
Get advice and support for the increasing cost of living and find out where you can access support.

Energy saving
Learn simple ways to use less energy and reduce your bills while staying safe and warm.

Contents insurance
Insure your home's contents and belongings against accidental damage, such as burst pipes.

Preparing your home
Read tips and tricks for preparing your home for the colder months and keeping warm.

Warm spaces
Many churches and libraries have opened their doors to offer a warm space to local people.