
Could you be the newest member of our tenant groups?

Take a look at what’s involved in our Tenant Groups below

Gateway Central
The Big conversation-9993
Gateway Central

Gateway Central is our main tenant committee. Meeting six times a year, they help to review our performance, identify areas for improvement and make sure the Tenant Voice reaches our Board.

The committee has played an important role in helping us to shape our services over the last year, overseeing all our consultation activities. They make sure we speak to enough people and that those taking part are representative of our diverse tenant base. Once they are satisfied we have enough tenant views, they oversee the recommendations made and ensure they are heard and acted upon.

This year they have:

  • Been involved in the development of our new Corporate Plan for the next six years.
  • Contributed to the creation of our Service Transformation Strategy, ensuring we are focussing on the right areas to improve services.
  • Contributed to our response to the Regulator on Consumer Standards.
  • Helped shape our new Corporate Values.
  • Approved our approach to delivery of the Tenant Satisfaction Measure Survey.
  • Scrutinised our performance and made recommendations for service improvements.


All Gateway Central members are fully supported to deliver their role, with free training provided to give them the skills they need to confidently take part in meetings.

We are always on the look-out for new members to join the committee. If you are a tenant who wants to make sure we are delivering the services you expect and that we act on the feedback we receive, click here.

Scrutiny Group Tenant Talk Spotlight Sessions Community Fund Panel