Could you be the newest member of our tenant groups?
Take a look at what’s involved in our Tenant Groups below

Gateway Central
Gateway Central is our main tenant committee. Meeting six times a year, they help to review our performance, identify areas for improvement and make sure the Tenant Voice reaches our Board.
The committee has played an important role in helping us to shape our services over the last year, overseeing all our consultation activities. They make sure we speak to enough people and that those taking part are representative of our diverse tenant base. Once they are satisfied we have enough tenant views, they oversee the recommendations made and ensure they are heard and acted upon.
All Gateway Central members are fully supported to deliver their role, with free training provided to give them the skills they need to confidently take part in meetings.
We are always on the look-out for new members to join the committee. If you are a tenant who wants to make sure we are delivering the services you expect and that we act on the feedback we receive, click here.

Scrutiny Group
Our Scrutiny Group supports Gateway Central to strengthen the tenant voice and its influence on our services. When an area of concern is identified by the committee, they can implement a Scrutiny Review, helping them to get a better understanding of the tenant experience.
Scrutiny Reviews allow tenants and CGA colleagues to work together to review services, taking an in-depth look into various services to get a better understanding of how they are being delivered. The group can highlight areas for improvement based on their findings. These recommendations are set out in a report, allowing us to track progress against them.
Scrutiny Reviews are a great way for us to work with our tenants to really improve our services and the tenant experience. We welcome tenants to take part in reviews on an ad-hoc basis, getting involved in an area of particular interest.
To register your interest please call our Engagement Team on 0800 953 0213 (option 6) or email get.involved@communitygateway.co.uk

Tenant Talk
In our Tenant Talk sessions, tenants gather to give us feedback on the different ways we communicate with you. That includes this website, our social media, email, letters, events, etc.
Meetings are held up to four times a year and provide tenants with the opportunity to really influence how we deliver this service, helping us to make sure the information we provide is accessible and easy to understand.
The group set the content for our newsletters, helping us to keep tenants informed on the things that matter the most to them. This year they have also helped us to change the look and feel of our newsletter, changing the font size and design to make sure it meets the needs of all tenants.
They have recently helped us to re-design our leaflets and flyers, approving the final design for our new ‘how to guides’. They have also worked with us to re-word several of our letters, as well as playing a lead role in the development of our new website.
We welcome all tenants to take part in this group, it's only with your feedback that we're able to improve the ways we share information with you! To join the group please get in touch by calling 0800 953 0213 (option 6) or email us at get.involved@communitygateway.co.uk.

Spotlight Sessions
Our Spotlight Sessions are a great way for our tenants to find out more about our services and have the opportunity to hold us to account on our performance, and influence future service delivery. These sessions are open to all tenants, so please feel free to drop in on any that are of interest to you.
The upcoming sessions can be found on our events calendar here.
So far this year we have held sessions focusing on how we keep you safe in your homes and communities.
These interactive sessions have allowed us to gain tenants’ views on our Health and Safety policy, working with those who attended to develop its tenants’ responsibility section, allowing us to make sure it’s fair and equitable.
Our Tenancy Services Team provided attendees with an insight into their work, allowing tenants to be better informed on their rights and responsibilities, as well as those of Community Gateway.
If you would like to know more about these sessions, or to register for an upcoming event, please call 0800 953 0213 (option 6) or email get.involved@communitygateway.co.uk

Community Fund Panel
Our Community Fund is a dedicated pot of money that is set aside by Community Gateway to support local projects through investment.
As a tenant, you can help us decide where we spend our Community Fund. The fund is available to local community groups who want to run activities that make a positive difference to our tenants’ communities.
We ask tenants to review the information submitted by groups and vote on whether to award funding or not. We sometimes meet in person, but you can also take part from the comfort of your own home. The time commitment for this is just 60 minutes every three months, with occasional online decisions sent out via email.
Full training and support will be provided, and you will earn extra points as an active Member with us the more meetings you join in.
To register your interest please call 0800 953 0213 (option 6) or email get.involved@communitygateway.co.uk