Tenant Satisfaction Measures
The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in England to help them see how well housing providers are delivering services, and making sure they are providing good quality homes and services. They also show our tenants how well we are performing as their landlord in the following areas:
- Keeping properties in good repair
- Maintaining building safety
- Respectful and helpful engagement
- Effective handling of complaints
- Responsible neighbourhood management
- Overall satisfaction with services
The TSMs consist of 22 measures: 12 of these come from surveying tenants about their satisfaction with services, and 10 come from the information we hold. This includes data in relation to building safety, anti-social behaviour and complaint handling. To find out more about the survey click here.

Current Performance 2024/2025
Our interim performance against all 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures are detailed below. This year the Tenant Perception Survey is being completed by post and telephone, with a sample group of tenants who have been randomly selected. So far, we have received 450 responses, with performance improving in all areas in comparison to 2023/2024 results.
Here's our performance as of 31st December 2024:
Overall satisfaction with CGA services: 86.4%
Keeping properties in good repair

of tenants satisfied with our repairs service

of tenants were satisfied with the time taken to complete the most recent repair

satisfaction that the home is well maintained

of CGA homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard

of emergency repairs completed within target timescale (24 hours)

of non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale (20 days)
Maintaining building safety

Satisfaction that the home is safe

Gas safety checks completed

Fire safety checks completed

Asbestos safety checks completed

Water safety checks completed

Lift safety checks completed
Respectful and helpful engagement

Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them

Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them

Satisfaction that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect
Effective handling of complaints

Satisfaction with the landlord's approach to handling complaints

Stage 1 Complaints relative to the size of the landlord (per 1000 homes)

Stage 1 Complaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales

Stage 2 Complaints relative to the size of the landlord (per 1000 homes)

Stage 2 Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales
Responsible neighbourhood management

Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained

Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods

Satisfaction with the landlord's approach to handling anti-social behaviour

This was our performance against the 22 measures in 2023/2024.
We gathered feedback from our tenants through a Tenant Perception Survey which was sent out between 8th September 2023 and 18th October 2023. We used text message, postal, online and telephone surveys to gain feedback. A copy of the survey, including the accompanying letter, can be found here.
The survey was sent to 6,453 tenants and 1,211 responses were received. We worked with an external company called TP Tracker, to make sure the survey was delivered independently and that the responses we received were representative of our whole tenant population. Full details of our approach can be found here.
Overall satisfaction with CGA services: 78.6%
Keeping properties in good repair
Maintaining building safety
Respectful and helpful engagement
Effective handling of complaints
Responsible neighbourhood management
Our Response
We recognise that our results are not as good we would like them to be, so we are making a series of changes to improve the services we deliver to you.
We have shared these results with our strategic Tenant Committee, Gateway Central, who have scrutinised the results and will continue to have oversight of our work to improve services.
We have used the results from this survey, along with learning identified from tenant complaints, and tenant feedback from consultation activities, to create a Service Transformation Strategy. This strategy focusses on three themes:
- Putting customers at the heart of all we do
- Delivering brilliant basics
- Continuous improvement based on tenant feedback
The strategy and action plan clearly set out how we will improve our services to better meet the needs of our tenants, helping us to improve our performance. For further details of the strategy, click here.
Service Improvements
We continually look to increase satisfaction across all the measures and have worked with tenants to improve our satisfaction ratings in these areas. Below is a selection of some of the work we have done so far to achieve this:
We introduced new satisfaction reporting – cards are now given out at the end of a repairs appointment. This gives tenants the opportunity to give us feedback quickly and instantly after a repair, and has allowed us to correct any problems early on.
We carried out a Scrutiny Review around communication with our repairs service, as a result of which 33 recommendations were made and 32 implemented.
We delivered training to our Repairs call handlers, supporting them to deliver a tailored service to meet individual needs.
We contacted all tenants who were not satisfied to establish their concerns, helping to ensure their homes were safe. This piece of work allowed us to better understand their concerns, many of which were around the safety of their communities, rather than the safety of their homes.
We updated our Gas Safety check process, allowing us to increase our access rate to 100%.
We held a dedicated session for tenants to allow them to gain a better understanding of how we keep their homes safe.
We included a Tenant Voice section on CGA’s website, allowing tenants to see how we have listened to their views and acted on them. This information will also be shared in our newsletter, Gateway News.
We changed the remit of our Tenant Talk group to include setting the content for our newsletter, Gateway News.
We launched a new website with increased accessibility, working with tenants to make sure it is not only user-friendly but holds all the information tenants want to read.
We created a new suite of ‘Your Guides To…’ These concise factsheets have been designed with tenants to contain all the information they want and need to know. Additional guides have been created based on tenants’ needs.
We consulted with tenants online and in-person to better understand what ‘fairness’ and ‘respect’ means to them. This feedback was used to inform a new set of customer service commitments.
We worked with our Tenant Scrutiny Group to conduct a full review into our complaints process, making eight recommendations to improve it.
We worked with tenants through our Spotlight Session to better understand their priorities in this area.
Our new Corporate Plan demonstrates a clear commitment to this area.
We worked with tenants to create a Community Investment Strategy, which sets out how we will work in partnership with tenants and communities to create a positive contribution to their local area.
We used data to target our community development activities, tailoring our projects to address the needs of each community.
We updated our Community Fund criteria to ensure funding is awarded to projects that help increase satisfaction with regard to this measure.
We carried out ‘days of action’ – speaking directly with communities to better understand the challenges our tenants and residents face, helping us to create area-specific action plans.
We developed a new communications plan for the team to raise tenants’ awareness on how to report anti-social behaviour and the work we do to tackle it.
We created a ‘Your Guide to’ anti-social behaviour.
We strengthened partnership working to tackle areas experiencing high levels of anti-social behaviour complaints. Our ‘days of action’ allow us to work with partners to speak to communities and come up with solutions to reduce issues through designing-out-crime reports.
Our teams attend Gateway2You sessions, providing a local option for tenants to come and report concerns and get help.
We will continue to deliver the objectives detailed in our Service Transformation Strategy to improve our services.