Tenant Voice - Consultations
Are you passionate about your community and want to help us deliver our services?
At Community Gateway, we have a clear commitment to creating a louder Tenant Voice, ensuring that tenants’ views are sought and listened to on any changes we are making.
Before we make a change to any service, we work with our tenants to make sure that we understand and reflect their needs. We do this through consultation activities delivered in a range of ways to make them as accessible as possible for the maximum number of tenants.
This includes in-person, online, written and telephone opportunities. Our tenant committee, Gateway Central, oversees all consultation activities, guaranteeing that we have heard from a wide and diverse range of tenants before making any changes.
We recently carried out consultation around our Community Empowerment, Community Investment and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategies. These sessions allowed tenants to help us set the priority areas for each strategy and develop our Engagement Framework. To read more about this activity, please click here.
We have also been working with tenants to develop a brand-new set of customer commitments. We began this consultation by carrying out an online survey to allow us to gain tenants’ views on how we can raise satisfaction levels, along with finding out what good customer service looks like to them. The findings from the survey were then reviewed by a wider tenant group at a consultation session at the end of July, where we worked with tenants to start to agree what their main priorities are in this area and began to develop the commitments with them.
At the moment, we don’t have any consultations open regarding the Tenant Voice, but please do check back at a later date to see what you can get involved in, and continue to check the CGA Tenant Hub: https://www.gateway2engagement.co.uk/consultation.