What you can expect from us

We recognise fencing is an important issue to tenants and it can make a positive difference to the look and feel of neighbourhoods as well as improve home safety. We have consulted with tenants and agreed what Community Gateway’s responsibilities are for fencing repairs and replacement.  We cannot repair and replace all fencing, so here are some guidelines so you know what to expect from us.

Fencing repairs

If you have an existing fence and it requires minor repairs, we will complete this within 20 days of it being reported to us.

Replacement fencing

We will not routinely replace fencing unless:

  • The current type of fencing causes a health and safety risk.
  • The fencing cannot be repaired and there is a significant health and safety or anti-social behaviour risk.
  • Regular minor repairs are required and it would be more cost effective to replace the fence.
Fencing at The Filberts
New fencing

We are not responsible for providing new fencing where there has been none previously. We will only consider installing new fencing where:

  • There is a long standing anti-social behaviour issue and fencing has been recommended as part of the solution.
  • The house borders a main road (such as a dual carriageway) and a young child lives at the property.

Where we agree to install new fencing, it will be planned into a programme of works and timescales will be communicated to tenants.

All new fencing will be pre-treated and will not need to be stained or painted. Tenants may stain their fences if they wish.

The height of new fencing is normally 1 metre to the front of the property and 1.8 metres to the rear, although we will ensure it fits with the surrounding area.

New tenants

We will check all fencing before a new tenant moves into a property to ensure it is secure and free from any health and safety hazards.

To report any fencing issues please call 0800 953 0213 (option 1).