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Housing Pathways

how we are working towards tackling homelessness

Tenants told us that helping to tackle homelessness should be a priority for CGA – we listened and made this a key priority in our Corporate Plan.

We have always actively supported homelessness through our general needs letting process but wanted to do more. We refurbished an existing building to support the government’s Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme and work in strategic partnership with Preston City Council to deliver the Rough Sleeper Initiative.

Our homelessness programme comprises three distinct areas:

  • The Spires is a 26-bed temporary accommodation development which is part of the government’s Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme (RSAP). Tenants work with a dedicated Project Worker with the aim of learning to sustain a tenancy and move on. Tenants can live at The Spires for up to three years.

  • Our Rough Sleeping Initiative programme means we have 40 homes available to support people to progress away from rough sleeping. A support package is put in place to help maintain a tenancy and facilitate a move to a general needs tenancy when they no longer need support.

  • Our Intensive Housing Management (IHM) service is an offer to existing tenants who may need extra help and support to sustain their tenancy. Referrals are made by our internal teams, as well as external organisations. In addition the team work with Lancashire County Council providing accommodation for a small cohort of care leavers. 
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The Housing Pathways team is expanding and includes the new role of Engagement Co-ordinator at The Spires who will work with tenants on co-produced activities and help them access training, volunteering and employment opportunities. The Pathways team work closely with Inspire Drug and Alcohol Service, not only offering training to tenants but also wellbeing sessions for staff.

We continue to evolve our services and commitment to supporting those without a permanent home and are in the early stages of developing a new service for homeless families.

Take a closer look at what's on offer for tenants at The Spires