
Who we are

Get to know Community Gateway and how we got to where we are today.

Community Gateway Association is a not-for-profit community-based housing association, set up on 28th November 2005 after tenants voted for a transfer of properties from Preston City Council, to meet the housing needs of people in Preston and the surrounding area.

Our journey has been a real success story, and we are proud to have delivered on our transfer promises. Listening to the views of customer, we brought our PropertyCare team in-house in 2013, making improvements to how we deliver our repairs and maintenance service, as well as clearly offering better value for money for all. A year later, we did the same with our grounds maintenance service to help us make improvements to our local green spaces.

We were the first housing association to be based on the Gateway Model, meaning we put tenants at the heart of all we do and involve them in decisions which affect them, their homes and communities. We are tenant-led, community-focussed and pride ourselves on delivering high-quality services.

We have over 6900 properties - including houses, flats, our homeless prevention scheme, sheltered living accommodation and first of their kind extra care schemes.

Rob ribbon cutting at The Watermills

Our Services

We are passionate about creating vibrant, friendly and diverse communities where people want to live, work and play. We make sure that tenants influence they way we deliver our services, where we invest our money and shape our priorities. As a Community Gateway model organisation, our tenants are at the heart of all we do.

We provide so much more than just a roof for our tenants.


Investing in improving the quality of homes


Delivering a reliable and good-quality repairs and maintenance service

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Building new homes for affordable rent and shared ownership

Shared gardens at The Fillberts

Ensuring neighbourhoods and green spaces are well maintained, clean and safe places to live

Partnership with local PCSOs

Tackling anti-social behaviour and dealing with neighbourhood issues  


Providing tenancy advice and support


Delivering a benefit support service to maximise the income of our tenants

The Big conversation-0067

Providing a range of opportunities for tenants to have their say and get involved in shaping our services 

Beanstalk with air fryers

Support for community groups and local partners to deliver their services for the benefit of our tenants

Older tenant during an activity at The Courtyards

Dedicated support for older people to live independently in their own homes with activities to tackle social isolation and loneliness

Extra care support

Access to a lifeline service with emergency monitoring and response for older people

The Courtyards - outside (1)-1

Extra Care Schemes for older people who want to live independently in their own home with access to an on-site 24-hour care package when it’s needed

The Spires - outside
Homelessness Prevention

We also provide dedicated support for those who find themselves homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The Spires, our Homeless Prevention Scheme, offers a secure tenancy for up to three years for those hoping to get back on the housing ladder and staff available on site round the clock to support tenants.

Find out more about The Spires, plus our Rough Sleeping Initiative programme and Intensive Housing Management (IHM) service by clicking below.


The Gateway Model

Community Gateway is a mutual organisation formed for the benefit of the community and founded on the Gateway Model principles of mutuality, accountability and engagement. CGA is owned by the tenant and leaseholder members living in its Local Community Areas.

The primary objectives of the Gateway Model are:

  • To generate community pride and vision by providing opportunities for local tenants and community involvement in decisions about homes and neighbourhoods at a pace that's right for them and on issues that matter to them.
  • To establish a tenant democracy by enabling tenants to become members and owners of the organisation, and through that membership get involved in decision-making.
  • To generate a cultural change that brings colleagues and tenants together, where tenants lead and own the organisation, working in partnership with Gateway colleagues to deliver the quality and range of homes and neighbourhoods they want.

We are required to have Community Empowerment Strategy which sets out how we will secure the widest possible community involvement.