Damp, Mould and Condensation


We are committed to providing and maintaining a dry, warm and safe home for all our tenants. We recognise the significant impact damp and mould can have on the health and wellbeing of our tenants.

When you report damp and mould concerns to us, you can expect that:

  • We will listen to your concerns and take them seriously.
  • One of our specialists will visit your home and carry out a thorough inspection.
  • We will work hard to identify the root cause of the problem.
  • If needed, we will complete any repair work to fix structural or plumbing issues.
  • If needed, we will make improvements to the ventilation in your home.
  • In the case of mould, we will remove the mould and treat the affected area with specialist products.
  • We will keep customers fully informed about appointments, inspections, outcomes and the timetabling of works. 
  • We will carry out a follow-up call 3 months after the works have been completed to ensure that the issue is fully resolved and has not returned. 

If you think you may have damp, mould or excessive condensation in your home, please contact us immediately by using any of the following methods:

Find out more about damp and mould below:

What is damp?

There are three types of dampness that can affect your property. If you think you have any of them, contact us straight away on 0800 953 0213 (option 1) and we will come out to investigate.

  • Penetrating dampness – this is where a crack or problem in an external wall lets moisture in. You can usually see an obvious damp patch that feels wet to the touch.
  • Rising damp – this affects ground floor or basement rooms and looks like a tidemark rising up from the floor. It may cause plaster to crumble or cause wallpaper to peel off.
  • Faulty plumbing – leaks from a pipe, damaged guttering or seal around a bath can cause water to get into walls. You can usually see a damp patch that won’t go away.    damp

What are mould and mildew?

Mould is a type of fungus that occurs in damp and humid conditions. Contact us on 0800 953 0213 (option 1) if you think you have any type of mould and we will come and investigate.

Mildew is a patch of mould that is typically white, grey or yellow. It is fluffy or powdery and grows in moist, warm areas. You might find it on fabric, leather or paper. It can often be treated by giving it a good scrub and using a household cleaner (not bleach). Clothing can be laundered. 

Mould is usually green or black and can be fuzzy or slimy. It usually occurs on a surface that has got wet.

Mould may appear as black spots by a window or in the corner of a room. If mould has started to form and it’s only in a small area, you can often remove it before it sets in, by wiping it regularly with a household cleaner. If it persists, call us straight away and we will come out to treat it and investigate.

Anti-mould paints are only advised once mould has been successfully treated to make doubly sure it does not return.

  mould window

Regulator of Social Housing

In 2022, CGA undertook a thorough review of the extent of damp and mould issues affecting our properties. We used the findings of this review to provide information to the Regulator of Social Housing on how we identify any issues. This review also included what actions we take to remedy them and ensure that our homes meet the Decent Homes Standard.  A copy of our response to the Regulator is available by contacting CGA on 0800 953 0213 (option 6), or by emailing communications@communitygateway.co.uk.